
春休みに私の大好きアニメを見まして、なまえはやきたてジャパン。英語でFreshly baked Ja- pan (pun intended in pan=bread) といいます。高校の時これアニメもみました。でもI did not finish it。だから、今私はcontinue watchingです。そして、bakingを作るは大好きだから、これアニメはeducationalとおもしろいです。
1 episode は20分ぐらいかかりまあす。
The anime series is about Azuma Kazuma, a young baker gifted with "solar hands" who wants to make an iconic bread of Japan (hence, Ja-pan). He aspires Ja-pan to Japan to be like the equivalent of Baguette to France.
This particular episode is about the baking tournament that Azuma's team participates in. The category of the particular challenge is to make jam. This seems simple but their opponent comes from Austria that is famous for its jam. Hence their team has to come up with a strategy to defeat this formidable opponent. The episode was very funny and intriguing.

My overall impression is that this activity was very fun and engaging. Having this as an assignment allows me to explore my personal interest towards Japanese culture through my favorite anime.


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