Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood

On the last weekend of fall break, I started watching Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood because of トウンブラかさん. This title was not strange for me because I have seen it everywhere, and I know that it is very popular, but I was just never attracted to it. Only recently I understand why people love this anime so much because of the intriguing plot and depth they put in the story. I guess I find it really intriguing personally because its similar topic to Paulo Coelho's novel "The Alchemist", this book is one of my most favorite novels and this anime reminded me of this.

I don't watch much tv series or anime in general is because I know that once I start, I can't stop. I hope that I can continue watching this while juggling my assignments because it was just so good!


  1. 「はがねのれんきんじゅつし」はすばらしいアニメですよ!!ぼくもすきです。


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